The Hallé orchestra - halle orchestra society - Steve Pickett - Martin Glynn - High Point podcast - public venues - performance venues - music education - performings arts - acoustics - acoustic design - acoustic consultant - acoustic engineer - concert halls - auditorium


High Point Episode 004:

Hallé Orchestra Society


Steve Pickett and Martin Glynn


You may know The Hallé orchestra based in Manchester (UK), but do you know Hallé Orchestra Society? it is the huge organisation behind the orchestra. 

For this episode, Steve Pickett (Education Director) and Martin Glynn (Hallé Venues Director) take you through:

  • the history of The Hallé
  • the structure and activities of Hallé Orchestra Society
  • the development and move into The Hallé St Peters
  • the future of Hallé Orchestra Society

The eposide is long, but it didn’t feel like it during the recordings. We hope it is the case for you. 

Enjoy listening.

Jake and Marc 

You can listen to the podcast on the following platforms: