Episode 27: Simon Corbey | CEO of the (ASBP) Alliance for Sustainable Building Products

High Point podcast


High Point Episode 027:


Simon Corbey

CEO of the

(ASBP) Alliance for Sustainable Building Products


**** we are trying this new format with less edits, a little more AI (surely you’ve heard and seen it!), less formal but more authentic – let us know what you think in the comments ****

In this conversation, Simon, the CEO of the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products, discusses the organisation’s mission to transform the built environment into a low carbon and healthy endeavor.

He highlights the growth of the organization, the benefits of membership, and the importance of knowledge sharing.

The conversation then delves into the challenges and opportunities surrounding natural fiber insulation, barriers to its adoption in the UK, and innovations in sustainable building practices.

Simon also emphasises on the need for more education and awareness in the construction industry, particularly regarding healthy buildings and the impact of materials used.

In this conversation, Simon discusses the benefits of Mass Timber buildings on occupant wellbeing, the implications of insulation techniques, and the upcoming energy efficiency regulations for rented properties.

Finally, he emphasises on the importance of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for manufacturers and critiques sustainability claims in products, advocating for transparency and accountability in the building industry.

Find out more about the ASBP here.




  • The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products aims to transform the built environment.
  • Membership offers numerous benefits, including knowledge sharing and research opportunities.
  • Natural fiber insulation is underutilized in the UK compared to other countries.
  • Barriers to adoption of natural insulation include lack of knowledge and regulatory challenges.
  • Collaboration among competitors can lead to better outcomes in the industry.
  • Healthy buildings focus on improving indoor environments and reducing pollutants.
  • Education is key to increasing awareness of sustainable practices.
  • Innovative products are emerging to replace harmful materials in construction.
  • The construction industry must address the skills gap in sustainability.
  • Sustainable practices can lead to healthier living environments. Mass Timber buildings have immediate health benefits.
  • Occupants report feeling calm and productive in Mass Timber environments.
  • Insulation techniques must consider moisture control to avoid damage.
  • Energy efficiency regulations for rented properties are set to tighten by 2030.
  • Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) are crucial for substantiating sustainability claims.
  • The circular economy is gaining traction in building regulations.
  • Landlords may pass energy efficiency costs onto tenants.
  • Sustainability claims in products must be backed by evidence to avoid greenwashing.
  • The demolition industry is shifting towards deconstruction and reuse of materials.
  • Fact-checking sustainability claims is essential for accountability.


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